We frequently get emails from UK, and countries across the world, with folk asking for help to trace a family member who is thought to be buried in the old Folkestone cemetery, we always help when we can. Our volunteers also research individual graves and when possible a biography is created which is then uploaded to Findagrave.com.
We are always pleased to get feedback telling us that our help has been appreciated – and shown below are just some of those lovely comments:
reg. John Crowther Metcalfe Harrison: I am impressed by the amount of information that had already been added to the memorial page. Someone has made a real effort to provide a ‘proper’ biography. This is in contrast to so many pages where names have been uploaded en masse from burial registers with no information apart from the date of burial and no image. I was particularly impressed that you were able to find that John died in France.
This comment received by an Anonymous person, Dec 2024
RE: Jonathan Henry Woodward: It’s always a pleasure when I find someone buried at Cheriton Road. That’s because I know my research isn’t going to be rejected out of hand like some do. It’s always a pleasure to work on your burials.
This comment received from Christopher G, Oct 2024
RE: Marie Ione Westropp: I was trying my hardest to track down what happened to Ione after she left the American stage and moved to England. The details you already had on her page helped me put it all together. Thanks for making this memorial to make sure Ione is not forgotten.
This comment received from Dave T, Sept 2024
RE: Benjamin Hodgson: I have just read the updated info on John Bassett Hodgson bio
I really appreciate the updated info on my relative which has answered a number of questions on my family historyThis comment received from a Folkestone lady, June 2024
Your wonderful work on the transcription and recording of graves in Cheriton Rd Cemetery enabled me to locate my gt aunt’s grave online and then find it within minutes of arriving at the Cemetery last week
This comment received from Liz G, Apr 2024
RE: Alice Hoile: Thanks for the prompt update. The work of groups such as yours is very much appreciated by people like me living in countries such as Australia to help understand how we got here and to acknowledge the ancestors who made it possible. So far I have identified 9 of my wife’s relatives in your cemetery.
This comment received from David P, Mar 2024
I used the new GPS locations on Find a Grave for the first time this month to finally visit the grave of an ancestral baby cousin, Alix Dagmar Colman, who died in 1901. Alix’s mother and brothers emigrated to Australia in 1913 and I am still trying to work out what happened to her father George Colman after the 1911 census. I often walk through the cemetery, but didn’t know where she was until GPS led me there. It worked perfectly. Thank you for setting this up.
This comment received from Jonny Wicken
I live in Australia on the Central Coast. I believe I have relations in the cemetery and I would like to congratulate you all for the wonderful job you are doing to maintain it. My family apparently do not have headstones which is sad however volunteers as yourselves are very much appreciated from across the water Many Many Thanks Names Gower Baker Startup Conway
This comment received from Carole Evans
RE: Marie Ione Westropp: I’m happy to help! I was trying my hardest to track down what happened to Ione after she left the American stage and moved to England. The details you already had on her page helped me put it all together. Thanks for making this memorial to make sure Ione is not forgotten.
This comment received from Dave Taylor, he was seeking information on Ione and was able to provide back story on this interesting lady.
Many thanks for the brilliant work you do. I was thrilled to bits to find a photo of the gravestone of my 2x great-grandmother, Maria Jordan, and now I know it exists I plan to visit.
This comment was received from LorraineM, responding to Carole who helped locate a relatives grave.
Reading the biography for May was one of those magical genealogical moments that you rarely get but when you do it’s glorious. Now to search for living family members. May’s biography mentions “Karl”, is he connected to May’s family? Y’all have done a wonderful job restoring this cemetery and thanks for finding my 5th gt. grandparents graves.
This comment from Steven Wills on finding his srelatives grave with help from volunteers
I truly love what is happening with the friends group and how you are all helping to keep that Cemetery in good condition. It seems that so many are under threat these days, especially in the London area. I have dropped a line to The National Association for the Protection of Cemeteries and Graves and praised your work.
A visitor to the cemetery who we helped search for a relative
Just wanted to pass on my thanks to Carole who I had the pleasure of meeting this morning while wandering around the cemetery. I was waiting for a repair to be done on my van and knew there were some relatives of mine buried there so thought I’d spend the time seeing if I could find any of them.
I was introduced to Carole by one of the volunteers and I mentioned I was looking for Garnhams, my nans side of the family, or the Robinsons, my grandads. My mum had talked about putting flowers on the grave of her auntie Wyn who died as a child and without too much fuss Carole found her grave.
A visitor to the cemetery who Carole helped in their search for relatives
It’s wonderful to find a large cemetery fully documented. I’m trying to do that in a limited way with some of the small churchyards near my Mum’s house in Yorkshire. I always feel sad for those without memorials, I don’t want undocumented burials to get lost especially as they mainly relate to women.
Feedback from Natasha H, about information our group posted on findagrave.com
Hello, I appreciate your time and effort. This is a gift for so many families. Thank you.
Feedback for helping locate a family grave.
If you get stuck on someone for information, you can always send me an email and I will try to help. I use Ancestry and Findmypast daily and other records as well, and am always willing to help as this information is invaluable and your web site really does put a closure on so many lives that it helps me in my research as well.
Feedback about information on the website, received from Lynn B
Thank you TONS. Its folk like you that brighten up days for people like myself, so far from where the family came from, so long ago. The images you have given me (and the world) for genealogy, for tracing family steps is GREAT. There is a dimension added by your work- memorials and images- that can not be replaced nor underestimated.
Feedback for information and pictures posted online
Thank You. Oh my goodness. You are amazing! Thank you so much. Your pictures are clear and wonderful and you got back tome in less than 12 hours. I cant thank you enough for you volunteering your energies
Feedback for helping a familly locate a grave
Thank you so much Carole for your time and effort in taking this photo despite the difficulty accessing the grave. It is so very much appreciated! I live in Canada, but if I ever get over to Folkestone I will make a point to visit and possibly tidy the gravesite. I will share this with my cousins (all in Canada) and hopefully one of us will get there to visit at some point. Best wishes to you and the other kind volunteers at the FOFC. Thanks again!
Feedback recieved for help in locationg a family grave for a distant family.
A cheery Hello from Dallas Texas! I do hope this finds you doing well! I simply had to take a moment to send profuse thanks and appreciation to you for documenting the cemeteries in England! A branch of my family was the Brouncker family and you place a photo of George Brouncker William Hamond on findagrave! Thank you thank you and thank you! Those of us in the US truly appreciate your efforts in getting these terrific headstones online! Hugs of appreciation to you! With deep gratitude, Carole C, Plano, Texas
Feedback for help receiving help locating a family grave, from distant relatives
Thank you so much for taking the time and making the effort to locate and photograph my relatives grave. Many thanks all the way from Australia.
Feedback for helping locate a family grave, for a distant family