Insanity and Mystery – Zoom Talk

We were recently asked to do a Zoom talk to the Folkestone Family History group – and were very pleased to accept. Jan took up the challenge this time – and although Zoom was a fairly unknown method for Jan, it actually wasn’t too difficult with slides uploaded and ready to share.

On this occasion the talk was titled ‘Insanity and Mystery’.

Despite some issues with Jans PC which meant it wasn’t the smoothest of presentations (ughhh) – the Folkestone Family History group were wonderfully patient – and Jan managed to get to the end with some grace, and finished with some great questions from the group.

Characters included in this presentation were: an unknown baby found in a brown paper parcel, William Salkeld who was shot by a man declared insane, Charlie Joy also known as the Little Drummer Boy, Henry Novra Professional Magician, Mary Long Enright who was found unconscious on the beach, Rajabhai Sherbhai a Sepoy found drowned on the beach, Major Pakanham on his honeymoon, killed himself, Gertrude Fletcher died after internal lacerations caused by surgical instruments, Colonel Fleming who shot himself and declared temporarily insane, Frederick Wale found in advanced decomposition on his bed, Phyllis Neale decapitated by her mother.

If your group would like a virtual talk, or an actual walk and talk through the cemetery – please do get in touch via email ( ) to arrange.

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