On this page you can find a list of tasks that we believe need to be done or are being done ongoing, it is not in any specific priority order as we will tackle each project depending on the resource and funding available at that time.
All volunteers are very welcome – those who have specialist knowledge and skills are also very welcome to join the group either on an ad hoc basis or for longer.
Works in progress or ongoing
- To survey, record, restore and clean CWG’s – cleaned every two years, ongoing
- To survey, record, restore significant memorials – all burials recorded on FindAGrave, ongoing
- To define and mark unmarked graves of children – all children associated with parents grave on FindAGrave, ongoing
- To clear scrubby area recently found to be an area where stillborn babies were buried, to create a memorial garden (the White Garden). We have received donations from Cllr Berry Ward funding (FHDC) and PaversFoundation as well as many private doners.
- To identify headstones which contribute to the Folkestone narrative – ongoing (see galleries & Now Published Book)
- To clear pathways – ongoing
- Working closely with FHDC to ensure grass cutting and maintenance is balanced with nurturing wildlife and wildflowers – ongoing
- To audit and preserve sanctuary for wildlife – informal survey completed
- To identify VC’s (3) – found (pics placed on Galleries page). Completed
- Meeting with FHDC arboricultural representative arranged to establish if any trees/bushes can be removed – work to remove diseased trees was scheduled and has started – tree work ongoing.
- Line of sight of Cross of Sacrifice restored. Completed
- Nature Conservancy: To create areas of sanctuary for wildlife and wild flowers – ongoing
- To create history walks (virtual and real life) using the narrative provided by the memorials and headstones – first walk and talk event took place August 2021 -‘ Duty, Destiny and Disaster’. New walks prepared including ‘Fleets to Fliers’.
- To identify interested groups who may wish to become ‘friends’ – ongoing (GoFolkestone, Incredible Edibles)