A talk: Flourishing Folkestone

On Saturday three members of the Friends of Folkestone Cemetery gave a colourful illustrated talk to 45+ interested members of The New Folkestone Society.

After a brief introduction about the cemetery itself, the Friends and their work, Rob described the natural history found there, amply illustrated by photos of plants, birds, fungi and insects, all taken in the cemetery.

Margaret told exciting tales of the smugglers, fisherman and coastguards, with their exploits and daring rescues, quite a few of whom were members of her family.

Finally, Carole gave a brief introduction to a few of the characters and stories contained in the cemetery, from the well-to-do, such as Daniel Baker, who built The Grand Hotel and has an imposing monument, through some influential women, to Watercress George and the many children who lie in unmarked graves.

There was a lively question session to conclude, with more information being sought on the Gunner’s memorial, the original buildings, Gilbert Kennicott, a Trafalgar veteran and twice Mayor of Folkestone, and the White Garden for Born Sleeping Babies.

We have been asked to give another talk to the New Folkestone Society in the future, and maybe a guided visit to the cemetery in the summer to find some of these memorials.


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